About The Project
A motion graphics animation video explaining the process and services provided by Telkom Digital Maritime & Logistics Solution. Telkom Digital Solution has developed infrastructure development, maritime connectivity, integrated ports, and logistics management modernization as part of Telkom Indonesia's support for the government in realizing Indonesia as the World Maritime Axis.

Nextframe Studio illustrates Telkom Digital Solution processes, systems, and services in the form of 2D animation, starting with the stage of picking up and delivering goods via the Link Aja application process, to their purchasing stage of airline tickets, trains, and ships via an omnichannel solution, where everything is connected to the Link Aja application for checking, payment, confirmation, and even printing tickets.

Video animasi Motion Graphics untuk penjelasan proses dan layanan dari Telkom Digital Maritime & Logistic Solution. Sebagai bentuk dukungan Telkom Indonesia kepada pemerintah mewujudkan Indonesia sebagai Poros Maritim Dunia, Telkom Digital Solution telah mengembangkan pengembangan infrastruktur, konektivitas maritim, pelabuhan yang terintegrasi, serta modernisasi manajemen logistik.

Nextframe Studio menjabarkan proses, sistem, dan layanan Telkom Digital Solution ke dalam bentuk animasi 2D mulai dari tahap pengambilan dan pengiriman barang melalui aplikasi Link Aja, pembelian tiket pesawat, kereta, dan kapal laut dengan omnichannel solution, dimana semuanya tersambung dengan aplikasi Link Aja untuk pengecekan, pembayaran, konfirmasi, bahkan sampai mencetak tiket.

Background music : Just A Little More by Nicholas Heidlas.

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